Oolong Tea House - Quick Photo Tour
Tea may be one of the most welcoming invitations wit coffee a very close and preferred beverage of mine. What could warm the heart and the body better cold Canadian winters day? Calgarians know better than complaining about the long winters. A hot cup of tea, in a carefully crafted photo, will call your customers inside 30 below or plus 30 the same.
This tea house is now a staple in Kensington, for over 18 years now. With a great selection of teas, shipping now across Canada, you’ll never be disappointed.
I wander how many first dates happened here, how many meet cute stories started at Oolong.
Commercial Space Photography
The Space
With commercial photography you give your visitors a preview of your facilities ( dinning area, waiting area, showroom, stage, etc. ) and you can give them a lasting impression with an image rather than a listing. Commercial photography begins with understanding your business and working within your concept. A chic restaurant will be chic, a spa will be luxurious, spacious and sunny but still intimate, a coffee shop will be quiet, social and hip at the same time. Say what you want in your copy, say it with your photos as well and strengthen that message. You know what your strong points are and we will put the emphasis exactly on that.
Give your perspective patrons a chance to feel the vibe of the place! Let us capture them in your photos, giving life to your establishment. You may want to show your clientele enjoying a meal, exercising at a gym, watching the game, dancing or bowling, having a blast at your club. The right photographer will plan and capture the feeling that you are looking for. We will produce the image of your business. Everyone can enjoy a good photo, but there’s a message behind the beauty that a photographer understands. It could be composition, balance of light, colors and hidden layers of meaning that give depth to an image. You complement customer reviews with great photography and good copy.
At Work
The most natural photographs are probably going to be the ones with you doing what you do best, your business. That will be tending to customers, doing their taxes, fixing cars, straightening spine if you are a chiropractor. There’s nothing that sells best than showing your skills and the love for your work. You may want to show your state of the art kitchen, your wine collection. Customers may want to see what makes your spa different.